Monday, October 09, 2006

Heavy rain, school and badminton

Hi to everyone who are sometimes watching my blog. I'm eventually busy those days as I start my school last week (on thuesday). I'm quite disappointed with my schedule as the lessons are in the afternoon and I didn't except that. I wished it was in the morning like this I could profit my afternoons. Anyway, maybe it will change in three months for the next session.Except that, everything is fine at school. Learning basic Japanese, with Korean, Thai and Tawainese people.
Heavy rain is about the great idea of Thomas to go to Hiroo at French embassy to be registred... by bike; and this day was just awful , so we ride our bike through Tokyo (from Yoyogi-Uehara to Hiroo) under an heavy rain and we just get totally soaked...
Badminton is in the title of the post because I played badminton in Yoyogi park with my house mates few weeks ago. That's it.

Those following pics were take around the guesthouse during a sunny saturday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! akiko desu.
You are spending nice time everyday. jealous!
well...I'm looking forward to seeing you(≧▽≦)/

9:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi l'english !
Hé non, désolé, j'suis pas une de ces petites japonnaises au joli minois (toi, j'suis sûr que tu racontes pas tout dans ton blog...)

En tout cas sympa ton blog !! t'as un sacré coup d'oeil pour les photos, bravo. Tu devrais p'têtre filer des conseils à notre pote Alexis...
Ca me rappelle bcp de souvenirs et plutôt des bons.
Entre les cours, les soirées, et c'te putain de ville de tarés tu dois pas t'emmerder !!!
Profites en bien car en avril on débarque et on te fera péter la rondelle (à me traduire en jap' d'ici là, on sait jamais ça peut servire...)

So now it's time to work, f..k !
I'm bored to be busy, I just want to walk through Tokyo streets and spend my times in pubs, meet japanese drunk girls, test some love hostel, and listen great punk rock bands...
Just beware of zoku.
Japan is made for that, it means freedom and entertainement, I wanna get my ass there !

Salut l' kioskete !


9:39 pm  

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